In this post I will guide you to install MongoDB 2.4.4 on CentOS 6.3:

1. Download MongoDB source

2. Save the downloaded file at /opt/setup

It’s not compulsory that you have to save it at /opt/setup, but then you need to cd to the exact folder in step 3

3. Extract the installation files

cd /opt/setup
tar -xvzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.4.tgz

4. Move the extracted folder to /opt/ (it’s HOME folder for MongoDB)

cd /opt/setup
mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.4 /opt/mongodb

5. Create necessary directories like data, log for MongoDB

cd /opt/mongodb
mkdir data logs

6. Create a config file and add configuration to it

touch /opt/mongodb/mongodb.conf

Add the following contents:

logpath = /opt/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log
logappend = true
dbpath = /opt/mongodb/data
fork = true
verbose = true
rest = true


logpath: file chứa MongoDB log
logappend: append log vào file thay vì tạo file mới
dbpath: folder chứa database
fork: option chỉ định sẽ chạy MongoDB như 1 daemon
verbose: lắm mồm
rest: enable giao diện chứa thông tin cơ bản & lệnh của MongoDB, interface REST có thể đc xem bằng cổng 28017

7. Create user and group for running MongoDB (run with non-root user)

groupadd mongodb
useradd -g mongodb mongodb

8. Change the permission for MongoDB folder

chown -R mongodb:mongodb /opt/mongodb

9. Let’s run

su - mongodb
/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --fork --config /opt/mongodb/mongodb.conf


--fork: chạy MongoDB như 1 daemon process
--config: lấy thông tin cấu hình trong file config

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